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 V6.G.27   微调个别BMP字符笔顺码,如:㨲(U+3A32) 䴑(U+4D11)等
 Fine-tune individual BMP characters stroke order code, such as U+3A32 , U+4D11
  微調個別BMP字符筆順碼,如:㨲(U+3A32) 䴑(U+4D11)等
 V6.G.26   新增扩展A區台日韩字体的兼容笔顺码 
Added compatible stroke codes for Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean fonts in CJKV Area A
 V6.F.26   Unicode汉字字符核心区兼容抽构笔画码 
Unicode CJKV Chinese character core area compatible with abstract sharp stroke code
 V5.F.26   完善扩展I区笔顺笔画输入码 
Improve the stroke order input code of CJKV extended I area.
 V5.E.26   完善扩展F区笔顺笔画输入码 
Improve the stroke order input code of CJKV extended F area.
 V4.E.26   完善扩展E区笔顺笔画输入码 
Improve the stroke order input code of CJKV extended E area.
 V3.E.26   根据平笔和折笔的区别更新笔画输入码 
Input the stroke code according to the difference between flat stroke and folded stroke.
 V3.E.25   笔画区双击字符激活码点笔顺码 
Double click on the character to activate the stroke order code
 V3.E.24   放大所选码点的字体大小 
Enlarge font size for selected code point
 V3.E.23   扩展C区字符兼容抽构笔画码 
CJKV extended C area characters compatible with abstract sharp stroke code
 V3.D.23   双击笔顺区字体打开字统网站的链接 
Double-click the font in the stroke order area to open the zi.tools link
 V3.D.22   扩展D区兼容抽构笔画码(如:艹,艸等) 
Extended D area compatible with abstract sharp stroke code
 V3.D.21   实现动态增补扩展E区和扩展F区的笔顺笔画码 
Realize dynamic addition of stroke codes for extended E and F area
 V3.C.21   修正CJKV扩展D区U+2B794、U+2B7B4、U+2B7C8、U+2B815码点的笔顺码,添加扩展D区16个码点兼容笔顺码 
Correct the stroke order codes of U+2B794, U+2B7B4, U+2B7C8, and U+2B815 code points in the CJKV extended D area, and add 16 code points compatible with the stroke order codes in the extended D area.
 V3.C.20   修正CJKV扩展C区U+2A7F2、U+2A9F2、U+2A9F3码点的笔顺码,添加扩展C区213个码点兼容笔顺码 
Correct the stroke order codes of U+2A7F2, U+2A9F2, and U+2A9F3 code points in the CJKV extended C area, and add 213 code points compatible with the stroke order codes in the extended C area.
 V3.B.20   用表意文字描述序列支持GB18030-2022标准实现等级3的扩展E和扩展F字符集 
Using IDS to support character sets of extended E and F for GB18030-2022 implementation level 3.
 V2.B.20   在笔顺区分流通用规范汉字表中的尖团音 
Distributing sharp and group voice of the General Standard Chinese Character in stroke order area.
 V2.A.20   按照偏旁汉字区分尖团音 
Distinguish sharp or group voice based on radical Chinese characters
 V2.A.1F   根据唐韵反切法标注尖团音字符 
Mark group or sharp character according to the pronunciation cutting method of "Tang Yun"
 V2.9.31   尖团音增加偏旁汉字分类参考 
Group and sharp sounds increase the classification reference of radical Chinese characters
 V2.9.30   各词条含义的差异标明在双音双字页内 
The meaning differences of each entry are titled with the chinese explanation
 V2.9.29   根据尖团合并的拼音字母,添加团音文字和尖音文字的对照表。
According to the pinyin merged by Jiantuan, open the comparison table of group voice and sharp voice characters.
 V2.8.29   在同音词条窗体的首音调或尾音调上点击,列出《现代汉语常用词表》内的同音字,同时显示尖团音。
Click the first tone or the last tone of the homophone entry window to list the homophone character in the Modern Chinese Common Words List, show group voice and sharp voice at the same time.
 V2.8.28   CJKV笔画区逐字增强显示效果
CJKV stroke area enhances the display effect word by word.
 V2.8.27  点击双音词汇单元格打开常用词表内所有同音调词条窗体,并扩展相同拼音的非常用词条;点击常用词表内词条关联维基词典搜索(VPN技术支持国内访问),点击非常用词条关联百度词典搜索。 
Click the disyllabic vocabulary to open the window of all homophone entries in the common vocabulary, and expand the non common entries with the same pinyin; Click the entries in the common vocabulary associated with the wiktionary search, and click the unusual entries associated with the baidu dictionary search.
 V2.8.26  按照词典规范更新修正一小部分多音字的拼音或声调值,例如:“发”、“斗”等 
Update and correct pinyin or tone values of a small number of polyphonic characters according to the dictionary specifications, such as "fa" and "dou".
按照詞典規範更新修正一小部分多音字的拼音或聲調值,例如:“發fā”  “髪fà”、“斗dǒu”  “鬥dòu” 
 V2.8.25  在双音词语页面中单独列示多音词的发音变化或声调变化 
The pronunciation changes or tone changes of polysyllabic words are listed separately.
 V2.8.24  User链接每隔15分钟提交建议并等待反馈 
User link submit suggestions every 15 mins and wait feedback
 V2.8.23  按多音字、声母、韵母区分词语 
Distinguish words by polysyllabic, initials and finals
 V2.8.22  关联《现代汉语常用词表》2008草案,笔顺区双击通用规范字打开按词频排序的词语及汉语拼音附声调 
In connection with the 2008 draft of Modern Chinese Common Words List, double-click the general standard character in the stroke order area to open the words sorted by word frequency and the attached tone of Chinese pinyin.
 V2.7.22  24位自定义点阵字体支持矩阵码编辑及导入矩阵行码 
The 24 bit custom dot font supports matrix code editing and importing matrix line code.
 V2.7.21  24位自定义点阵字体支持生成八类二维码掩码的异或运算图 
The 24 bit custom dot matrix font supports the generation of XOR operation diagram of eight types two-dimensional code mask.
 V2.7.20  基于十六位点阵图自定义字体矩阵码 
Custom font matrix code based on 16 bit dot by click the matrix.
 V2.7.19  内码扩展页面单击十进制GB2312-80区位码显示十六位点阵图 
Click GB2312-80 code point on the internal code extension page to display sixteen bit font lattice.
 V2.7.18  内码扩展页面单击Unicode码点转入汉字叔叔Richard Sears主页 
Click Unicode point on the internal code extension page into the Uncle Richard Sears Web Page.
內碼擴展頁面單擊Unicode碼點轉入漢字叔叔Richard Sears網頁 
 V2.7.17  内码扩展页面支持补充多语种平面码点和五位十进制码 
The internal code page supports supplementary multilingual plane code points and five digit decimal codes.
 V2.7.16  笔划区EX链接内码扩展页面,输入十六进制或十进制内码显示CJK CodePage对应的Unicode码点和相关字符信息 
The stroke area ex links to the internal code extension page, inputs the hexadecimal or decimal internal code, and displays the Unicode code point corresponding to CJK codepage and relevant character information.
筆畫區ex鏈接內碼擴展頁面,輸入十六進制或十進制內碼顯示CJK CodePage對應的Unicode碼點和相關字符信息 
 V1.7.16  笔顺区优先显示《通用规范汉字表》字体字号及级別,点击CJK链接展示所有笔划码字符 
The stroke order area gives priority to displaying general specification Chinese character and click the CJK link to display all characters of the stroke code.
 V1.6.16  显示基本多语种平面CJK字符字源出处 
Display the origin of CJK character in the Basic Multilingual plane.
 V1.5.16  激活CodePage 950字符页面编码信息 
Active encoded information of the character in PageCode 950.
激活CodePage 950字符頁面編碼信息 
 V1.5.15  激活GB2312-80字符集点阵图 
Active Font lattice of GB2312-80 Character Set.
 V1.5.14  显示utf-16补充多语种平面的替代编码,修复四字节utf-8的编码信息 
Add utf-16 surrogate codes information with Supplementary Multilingual Plane, Update four byte utf-8 encoded information.
 V1.5.13  激活CodePage 936字符页面编码信息 
Active encoded information of the character in PageCode 936.
激活CodePage 936字符頁面編碼信息 
 V1.5.12  笔顺区单击字符链接字符编码页 
Click the character in the stroke order area to open the link of Encode page.
 V1.4.12  笔顺区双击字符链接汉典网页面 
Double click the character in the stroke order area to open the page link of Chinese dictionary.
 V1.4.11  兼容表意文字扩展B以內所有码点微软笔划标准SORTGUID00000039,覆盖笔顺区橘黄色字符提示本系統与微软笔划的差異 
Compatible all code points inside CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B with Microsoft stroke standard SORTGUID00000039, the orange character in the stroke order area indicates difference of the stroke or stroke order.
 V1.3.11  基本多语种平面字符在笔顺区提示四角号码 
Basic Multilingual Plane character in stroke order area is pointed out Four-Corner System code.
 V1.3.10  笔顺区鼠标覆盖字符辅以Unicode标准码点 
The mouse overlay character in stroke order area is displayed with Unicode standard code point.
 V1.3.9  笔顺区鼠标覆盖字符辅以发布版本号 
The mouse overlay character in stroke order area is displayed with Unicode release version number
 V1.3.8  增补Unicode4.1至8.0版本基本区的48个码点(U+9FA6-U+9FD5) 
Basic area are added 48 code points between U+9FA6 to U+9FD5 according to Unicode version 4.1-8.0.
 V1.3.7  合并显示基本、传统A、传统B三区码点 
Combined display code points: Basic, Traditional A and B in the Basic Multilingual Plane.
 V1.3.6  基本多语种平面新增四千多个码点的字族/字元分析功能,点击带有橘黄色的标题字符执行分区和部首分析 
Add more than 4000 code points family/meta-analysis function in the Basic Multilingual Plane, click the title character with orange to perform partition and radical analysis.
 V1.2.6  检索框输入单个CJKV三字节字符,自动转换成笔顺码输出,同时显示检索字符集 
Input a single character of the Basic Multilingual Plane in the search box, the char is automatically converted into stroke order code output, and the retrieval character set is displayed at the same time.
 V1.1.6  笔划区字符辅以Unicode标准码点显示 
Each character in stroke area is displayed with Unicode code point.
 V1.1.5  笔顺区字符单击放大 
Click to enlarge character in stroke order area.
 V1.1.4  优化笔顺区覆盖字符的显示功能 
Optimize the display function of mouse over the character in stroke order area.
 V1.1.3  鼠标覆盖基本多文种平面字符功能 
Function of mouse over character of the Basic Multilingual Plane.
 V1.1.2  新增每日一幅背景图片(点击标题图片) 
Add a daily background image (click title picture).
 V1.0.2  “雨”字底笔顺码12524444如“漏”,“雨”字头笔顺码14524444或14521111如“雷” 
yü character stroke order code is 12524444 at the bottom of the character lòu, yü character stroke order code is 14524444 or 14521111 at the top of the character léi.
 V1.0.1  新增个别CJKV表意文字扩展E区字符的检索 
Add individual search of CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E block.
 V1.0.0  支持检索范围从普通表意文字至CJKV表意文字扩展D区之间的字符集 
Support the search range from the first CJK Unified Ideographs to CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D block.
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